Latest News

4 set 2023

Civic Museums of Varese free for CIO attendees!

Present your congress badge at the ticket counters, check the list of museums

To all CIO 2023 congress attendees, the Municipality of Varese offers free admission to all locations of the Civic Museums throughout the duration of the conference. Simply present your congress badge at the ticket counters. You can check the list of visitable museums at this link!

31 ago 2023

Lunch break at CIO. Where, what, costs

Plan ahead where to spend your lunch break to avoid queues and delays

Here is a list of the main lunch options for the CIO 2023 congress attendees. There’s something for everyone, from takeaway kebabs to finger food or classic restaurants with daily menus or à la carte options! Some also offer home delivery (“congress delivery”) or take-away. Below, you’ll find all the information, locations, what each place […]

27 ago 2023

Online registration to extra-congress activities closed

Still a few spots available, you can still sign up in person

The option to register online for the extra-congressional activities (social dinner and excursions) is now closed, in order to allow the organization to verify payment accuracy. There are still a few spots available for the excursions to Palude Brabbia and Campo dei Fiori; registration can still be done in person. The planned excursion to Val […]

22 ago 2023

“OrnithAuction” to support projects led by under 30 researchers

Bring your ornithological memorabilia to the Social Dinner and offer them to the CISO!

The Organizing Committee and the CISO have come up with a special initiative for the occasion of CIO 2023, a playful-scientific ornithology-themed auction titled “OrnitAuction“! The auction, which will take place during the Social Dinner (Friday, September 8th, at De Filippi Institute, via Brambilla, Varese), aims to support small projects or parts of larger projects […]

18 lug 2023

Guidelines on presentations and poster published

Slides and poster templates, link to upload presentation and other info on the dedicated webpage!

The Organizing Committee of CIO 2023 has published the guidelines for oral presenters and poster authors on the dedicated webpage of the website! Contributi Please check the page to download the templates for slides and posters and to find plenty of other information to prepare your contribution to the congress effectively! (presentation durations, supported formats, […]

16 giu 2023

CIO 2023 programme published, download it!

Browse the synoptic congress programme and discover the topics of the sessions

The Scientific Committee of the CIO 2023 has finalized the definition of the scientific programme of the congress. The programme, which spans 5 days, includes 11 sessions and 4 symposia featuring a total of 97 different speakers, as well as 11 roundtable discussions. Except for the introductory plenary lectures for each day, which will feature […]

19 apr 2023

Want to be a CIO 2023 staff member?

We are looking for young volunteers to support the organisation in various tasks

Do you like the world of communication and scientific research? Do you want to get involved and get to know researchers closely,  enthusiasts, their discoveries and experiences? If you answered “yes” then you cannot miss the opportunity to attend  at the XXI Italian Ornithology Conference in Varese on 5-9 September 2023 as a staff member. […]

13 apr 2023

Submission of contribution proposals closed

As many as 243 abstracts received from 23 countries and 4 continents!

The time window for submitting scientific contribution proposals for the CIO 2023 closed on 12 April. We are inundated with abstracts! As many as 243 proposals arrived via the online submission form, divided between 101 oral contribution proposals and 137 posters. Hard work now awaits the Scientific Committee, which will have to evaluate the contents […]

29 mar 2023

Deadline for submissions extended to 12 April

A few more days to send proposals to the Scientific Committee

The CIO 2023 Scientific Committee has decided to extend by a few days the deadline for submitting proposals for scientific contributions – oral or poster papers – for the CIO 2023. The new deadline is 12th April, after which it will not be possible to access the online submission form. No further extensions are foreseen! […]

22 mar 2023

Looking for accommodation in Varese for the CIO 2023?

Discounted prices for participants, thanks to the support of Varese Turismo

Thanks to the support of ‘Varese Turismo – Convention and Visitors Bureau’ portal, hotels in Varese and in the surrounding area offer discounted accommodation prices to CIO 2023 participants, both as single and double room solutions. A dedicated webpage for bookings reserved to participants is available at this link! For further info