“OrnithAuction” to support projects led by under 30 researchers

The Organizing Committee and the CISO have come up with a special initiative for the occasion of CIO 2023, a playful-scientific ornithology-themed auction titled “OrnitAuction“!

The auction, which will take place during the Social Dinner (Friday, September 8th, at De Filippi Institute, via Brambilla, Varese), aims to support small projects or parts of larger projects by ornithologists under 30. The CISO Council will form a small committee that will evaluate the requests based on transparency and merit criteria. Details will be communicated later.

Anyone who wishes to actively participate can bring a book, a photo, a drawing, a souvenir, feathers, or any other object representing or related to birds and ornithology in general.

Upon registration, forms will be distributed at the Conference Secretariat for donors to fill out with information and the suggested starting bid for their object. The coordination of the Auction will be carried out by Alessandro Berlusconi who, with the support of the Conference volunteer staff, will collect the forms and items to be auctioned on the day of the Social Dinner (preferably before its start).

Naturally, it will be the responsibility of the Committee to communicate the total amount raised and the destination of the funds.

For any further clarification, please contact Alessandro Berlusconi directly (aberlusconi@uninsubria.it).

We ask all those intending to donate an item to write to info@cio2023varese.it by the end of August, indicating the object(s) they wish to donate.

We look forward to seeing many of you (with lots of “ornithological items”) at the Conference and Social Dinner!