Submission of contribution proposals closed

The time window for submitting scientific contribution proposals for the CIO 2023 closed on 12 April. We are inundated with abstracts! As many as 243 proposals arrived via the online submission form, divided between 101 oral contribution proposals and 137 posters. Hard work now awaits the Scientific Committee, which will have to evaluate the contents and aggregate them into coherent thematic sessions. Proposers will receive the results on the acceptance of the proposal around mid-May. The desire to internationalise the CIO seems to be bearing fruit: in addition to Italy, proposals for co-authors have been received from – or affiliated with – 21 foreign countries (Austria, UK, Sweden, Croatia, France, Switzerland, Spain, Czechia, Russia, Portugal, Senegal, Lithuania, Germany, Slovenia, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, South Africa, USA, Romania, Argentina).

Please note that contribution proposals received at the congress email addresses will not be considered.